
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ivy League Chess Challenge

It would be nice to see this expand to include other universities, Ivy League and beyond, for whom the priority is academic excellence as opposed to simply throwing scholarship money at top chess players from here and abroad to essentially just play chess with an eye toward Pan Am and final four championships.


Ivy League Chess Challenge redux

by Qiyu Zhou
11/16/2019 – The 2nd Ivy League Chess Challenge was successfully held in Toronto, Canada from November 8th to 10th. With the tournament held over the course of three days, many exciting games were played, and numerous new friendships were made. QIYU ZHOU reports that this tournament is special because it is played by some of the top universities in the world! | Pictured: (L to R) Joseph Bellissimo, Sean Lei (current president of the Hart House Chess Club, and also played as a sub for one game on the team!), Mark Plotkin, arbiter Weiwen Leung, Advait Patel, and your author, Qiyu Zhou | Photo: Panagiotis Tsialas

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