
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Kasparov's Mother, Klara Shagenova, Passes at Age 83

 An interesting article with remembrances by Gary and Frederic Friedel can be found in the following Chessbase article.

Saturday, December 19, 2020 Enables Use of the dgt eBoard

The increasingly popular free chess server,, has enabled use of the dgt eBoard.  To use the dgt eBoard one must download dgt's free LiveChess application and have it functioning during games when using the eBoard. 

Instructions for using the dgt eBoard on the server can be found here:

Free download of dgt LiveChess software can be found here;

Covid-19 Hits the Russian Super Final at Mocow's Fabled Central Chess Club

 Mikhail Antipov withdrew from the event having tested positive for Covid-19. Did he infect others at the event?  Time will tell.  The more pressing question(s) must be directed to FIDE, the Russian Chess Federation and the sponsors of this event. 

As these photos from the event clearly show, Covid-19 pandemic protection measures were inadequate.  An indoor venue, plexiglass screens that do nothing to prevent the spread of aerosolized Covid-19 virus and unmasked players were, sadly, the norm. Why was this event held with such lax infection protection protocols?  

Photos below from

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Sputnik V Anyone?

 Photo Spraggettchess


The Russian Championships go forward over the board.  Covid protections in place?  Apparently not all are playing masked. Sputnik V given to elite Russian players?

Photo Chessbase